Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving with The Other Side

Don't get me wrong... I enjoy holidays no matter who they are with, because I could be pushing up daisies unable to have a holiday, or homeless on the street unable to provide a holiday for my family - period. But!!!! I definitely dislike holidays with the other side.. We'll call them "The Other Side". "The Other Side" means well, but they are just like the majority of southern people, nosey and gossipy and it is so irritating!! I am guilty of this too.. I think they pump it in the water here!

This is how our holiday usually goes....

Uncomfortableness.. awkward hugs... "How are you?".. "Good, and you".. "Good".. Walk away.. sit down... make awkward small talk.. BYE!! *insert another awkward hug here* And, they are weird! lol. If you hadn't noticed? They talk about the weirdest stuff and serve the weirdest food!

But, Thanksgiving was OK. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, so I was really dreading going to DH's aunt's home, however, it was pleasantly very nice. No weird food.. Well, a couple of weird dishes that I just stayed away from. Everyone talked and there weren't odd topics or awkward silences. I don't know if it was different because I knew what to expect and knew the worst of it, or was it because DH and I are now married and his cousin had the new girl?

I hope that Christmas is nice too, but I have my doubts, still. We'll have to see how it goes. Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best! :)

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