Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I thought it necessary to mention my most recent fetish with iVillage! I haven't ever been an iVillager before about... a month ago, I guess. But I absolutely looooooooooove iVillage!! The message boards are wonderful! The information you can get on the website is great, and did I mention how wonderful the message boards are?? lol..

OK.. I'm a message board junkie recently! I have always been one to frequent the groups on MSN, and even the individual boards found around, but something about iVillage is different. Much better than MSN, IMHO! :)

This is going to be a quick post, but I wanted to let everyone know how great iVillage is!! I will post some of the boards that have been helping me get through my day over on the right. I don't know how I would make it without these... Enjoy!

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