Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Getting to know Me.. Reality

Like most of the population in America today, I'm a little overweight...

OK.. not "a little" I AM overweight..

I have been over weight ever since I was young. I know.. I'm young now, but when I reference young, I mean when I was a kid. I just plain over ate when I was younger and my parents really didn't set boundaries for me as far as snacking and eating went. Then, I met DH. And boy-o-boy did the pounds come on then!! I really should have watched my figure more but I just said "Screw it! I have my man" and snacked 'til I was content.

So I can definitely stand to lose some of this extra baggage while we are waiting to try (here on out will be abbreviated as WTT) for a little tot. Right now my goal is set for about 60lbs, give or take (pleassssssssse take!!). I could stand to lose a little more, but I would be very happy if I can lose 60 lbs by July of 2008. So there! I said my goal out loud and it is a little frightening.. It was never real until right this second. I need to get cracking!! With Thanksgiving coming it's going to be hard, I know. But I will have to make due. As long as I stick to my exercise goals and do not snack excessively, I should be OK.

So, that's the reality of it all. I don't have any excuses. I take full responsibility! No baby weight... No health problems.. Just me being an over eater, but I am very ready to change that. I have to change it if I want to be healthy enough to keep up with a baby, or even carry a baby inside of my womb. It's a sad reality.. but I can only move forward from here!

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