Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Getting to know Me.. Dreams

I have always known that I wanted to be a mother.

This became extremely clear to me when my mother gave birth to my baby brother when I was 15. There is quite a bit of difference in our ages, so I have been more of like a second mom to him than a sister. When it comes to taking care of him, everything comes so naturally to me and I never saw this in myself until him. He is 7 now, and this past summer was a true test. I no longer live close to him (about 9 hours away) so my DH and I had him up here for a couple of weeks this summer. Even though there were moments that I wanted to rip my hair out.. Even though there were times that DH could scream.. Having my baby brother in my life this summer was such an enlightening experience. Ever since I have had this need and urge for a child of my own.

We got married about a month and a half after we took my brother home, and after marriage the urge just got stronger. I know I am young (only 22) and still have so much life to live.. But I can't imagine not sharing it with my own child. I don't want to live longer than we have to without a child. When you are as young as me, they say that your fertility is at its highest. It will only dwindle as I get older, and do I really want to be a 50 y/o mother sitting at my sons graduation? I think not... Not that there is anything wrong with that!! I just.. want to be a young mother.

So DH and I had a long talk about this after the wedding. We've decided that we are going to start trying to conceive (TTC from here on out) next July!!!!! Isn't that wonderful?!? Well... I would like it to be a bit sooner, but I had to negotiate for July! He originally said 2009, and then our anniversary, and then I got it pushed up to July :) It's a little less than 8 months from now, so that will give us time to get our debt paid off and work on getting into a bigger place, and also work on some healthy eating and living habits!!

Only another 7 months 3 weeks and 4 days until my dreams of TTC will no longer be dreams..

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