Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Soul Mates

My BFF, we'll call her V, came to visit today! :)

Well, she actually came last night and we spent all night together and chatted away the morning too. I love it when V comes to visit me! Her parents live in Tennessee, so it's an easy stop here on her way up there. She is moving there this December, sooooooooo I will actually start seeing her a lot more. We talk nearly every day, but it's been hard not having a best friend here in GA.

She is one year older than me, and honestly... I don't know how I would have made it to 22 without her. We started out hating each other in the beginning of our relationship, she was in 7th grade and I was in 6th. Then, when she left middle school, I signed her yearbook (which I still to this day do not know why! lol) and left my email address. That summer, up popped an IM from V and we talked/chatted for hours!! We have been BFF's since. We are so similar, but also different, than one another and I think that's how it works. I think that's why we are so close. We have had our fights, but never have we let anything get in the way of our friendship.

She is my soul mate.

I don't mean that in a weird way.. Obviously, I have DH! :) He understands what I mean. To DH, I am his soul mate. DH holds my heart, and always will. Without him, I would be a mess. He completes me.. He is my everything. V mirrors my soul. We understand each other more than anyone ever will or can. It's as simple as that. We were made for each other in every sense of what a BFF is and will ever be. I couldn't imagine my life without her.

I don't believe that a soul mate has to be of the opposite sex, or someone that you are romantically linked with. It doesn't have to be someone that reciprocates the soul mate feeling back. It simply has to be the person that makes you, a better you.

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