Monday, November 5, 2007

Getting to know Me.. Hopes

Hello World!

I figured the best way to start off is to tell you all a little bit about myself.

My name is Heather and I am a newly married 22 year old fur mom. :) Fur mom sounds so silly... For those that are not familiar with the term, it just means that have fur kids. hehe.. Again, silly. I have two dogs. There.. That's better :) I prefer to be called a fur mom though, because they are just like my kids. I am a substitute teacher, but for the most part I enjoy staying at home with them. My husband (from here on out, he will be known as "DH", ie. darling husband) and I do not have our own children yet.. Something we hope to work on in the not too distant future. So for now I am simply a fur mom.

DH and I have known each other since February 2001. So, I guess you can say that he was my high school sweet heart, even though he didn't go to school with me. DH is about 6 years older. If you want to get technical it's more like 5 years and 10 months.. but who's counting? He hailed from Kennesaw, Georgia (a little town outside of Atlanta). And I was from a small city in Florida. When I turned 18, I moved here to be with him. I've always known that he was the right one for me. I went through a lot of hard times with my family when I was younger, and he stuck by me through it all. He's a very good man. Don't know where he gets it from.. lol! Nah.. his family isn't that bad, but... I guess I'll start a new post for that!! (If you are a wife.. I'm sure you know all about in laws from hell)

So, DH and I got engaged last Thanksgiving! (My favorite holiday... and no it's not because of the food! lol) We were engaged on the beach in the exact spot that we first shared a kiss. Awww... Story book romance ends here. :) lol. We had a pretty quick engagement to today's standards because we were married on September 29, 2007. It was more of an elopement that our families knew about. We each had one person with us, and it was a wonderfully small and sweet ceremony. I loved every moment of it!

I'm still in that "Ahhhh.. newly wedded bliss" stage and I truly hope that never ends. I think that time will tell how hard it is to grow a marriage and how much work it truly is. So far I have been very lucky. It hasn't seemed too much different than when we were not married.. But I know there will be obstacles that will come up that will make it harder. CHILDREN!! being one..

I just hope that I will be the best wife that I can be!

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