Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Can't live with 'em..

Can't kill 'em..

(Without getting into a whole new world of trouble, that is.)

Sunday, November 25, 2007


OK, I've been wanting to write down (or type) my goals somewhere so that I can look back at them and check them off, or tweak a little bit if needed so here goes my start.... (This list will be added to often!)

1. Start eating better
2. Research a body "detox" or "cleansing"
3. Stop drinking coke
4. Take Multivitamin everyday, with an added calcium supplement. (I have been doing this, yay me!)
5. Find and make an appointment with a doctor around here (I know... shame on me, I have not gotten a regular doctor since I've moved here)
6. Make an appointment for my annual visit to the OB/GYN
7. Start walking on the treadmill
8. Find and make an appointment with a dentist
9. Find and make an appointment to have my eyes examined (I know... again shame on me for not going every two years like I should!)
10. Think of more goals I need to add to this list :)

Thanksgiving with The Other Side

Don't get me wrong... I enjoy holidays no matter who they are with, because I could be pushing up daisies unable to have a holiday, or homeless on the street unable to provide a holiday for my family - period. But!!!! I definitely dislike holidays with the other side.. We'll call them "The Other Side". "The Other Side" means well, but they are just like the majority of southern people, nosey and gossipy and it is so irritating!! I am guilty of this too.. I think they pump it in the water here!

This is how our holiday usually goes....

Uncomfortableness.. awkward hugs... "How are you?".. "Good, and you".. "Good".. Walk away.. sit down... make awkward small talk.. BYE!! *insert another awkward hug here* And, they are weird! lol. If you hadn't noticed? They talk about the weirdest stuff and serve the weirdest food!

But, Thanksgiving was OK. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, so I was really dreading going to DH's aunt's home, however, it was pleasantly very nice. No weird food.. Well, a couple of weird dishes that I just stayed away from. Everyone talked and there weren't odd topics or awkward silences. I don't know if it was different because I knew what to expect and knew the worst of it, or was it because DH and I are now married and his cousin had the new girl?

I hope that Christmas is nice too, but I have my doubts, still. We'll have to see how it goes. Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best! :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Soul Mates

My BFF, we'll call her V, came to visit today! :)

Well, she actually came last night and we spent all night together and chatted away the morning too. I love it when V comes to visit me! Her parents live in Tennessee, so it's an easy stop here on her way up there. She is moving there this December, sooooooooo I will actually start seeing her a lot more. We talk nearly every day, but it's been hard not having a best friend here in GA.

She is one year older than me, and honestly... I don't know how I would have made it to 22 without her. We started out hating each other in the beginning of our relationship, she was in 7th grade and I was in 6th. Then, when she left middle school, I signed her yearbook (which I still to this day do not know why! lol) and left my email address. That summer, up popped an IM from V and we talked/chatted for hours!! We have been BFF's since. We are so similar, but also different, than one another and I think that's how it works. I think that's why we are so close. We have had our fights, but never have we let anything get in the way of our friendship.

She is my soul mate.

I don't mean that in a weird way.. Obviously, I have DH! :) He understands what I mean. To DH, I am his soul mate. DH holds my heart, and always will. Without him, I would be a mess. He completes me.. He is my everything. V mirrors my soul. We understand each other more than anyone ever will or can. It's as simple as that. We were made for each other in every sense of what a BFF is and will ever be. I couldn't imagine my life without her.

I don't believe that a soul mate has to be of the opposite sex, or someone that you are romantically linked with. It doesn't have to be someone that reciprocates the soul mate feeling back. It simply has to be the person that makes you, a better you.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

I hate.... Pizza!

Alright... For the record, I just needed to get out "I HATE DIETING!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I feel much better now.. thank you :)

I have fallen off the diet.. if you hadn't noticed. I filled my big fat belly with pizza that I knowwwwwwwwwww was not good for me and now I'm regretting it. I feel horrible for continuing to throw my diet out the window every weekend. It is so hard to stick to it when DH is home and he wants pizza, or Wendy's, or whatever that is more fat than I want or need!!!!

I can't blame him entirely... I am my own person and could just as easily say no, however I am so weak when it comes to fudging the diet. DH has vowed to start dieting WITH me on Monday morning, so I am holding him to it. My tummy hurts and I'm so mad at myself for eating the pizza!

I'd like to rephrase my statement about... I HATE PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, I kind of like pizza.. but from now on, I NEED to hate it.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I thought it necessary to mention my most recent fetish with iVillage! I haven't ever been an iVillager before about... a month ago, I guess. But I absolutely looooooooooove iVillage!! The message boards are wonderful! The information you can get on the website is great, and did I mention how wonderful the message boards are?? lol..

OK.. I'm a message board junkie recently! I have always been one to frequent the groups on MSN, and even the individual boards found around, but something about iVillage is different. Much better than MSN, IMHO! :)

This is going to be a quick post, but I wanted to let everyone know how great iVillage is!! I will post some of the boards that have been helping me get through my day over on the right. I don't know how I would make it without these... Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Getting to know Me.. Reality

Like most of the population in America today, I'm a little overweight...

OK.. not "a little" I AM overweight..

I have been over weight ever since I was young. I know.. I'm young now, but when I reference young, I mean when I was a kid. I just plain over ate when I was younger and my parents really didn't set boundaries for me as far as snacking and eating went. Then, I met DH. And boy-o-boy did the pounds come on then!! I really should have watched my figure more but I just said "Screw it! I have my man" and snacked 'til I was content.

So I can definitely stand to lose some of this extra baggage while we are waiting to try (here on out will be abbreviated as WTT) for a little tot. Right now my goal is set for about 60lbs, give or take (pleassssssssse take!!). I could stand to lose a little more, but I would be very happy if I can lose 60 lbs by July of 2008. So there! I said my goal out loud and it is a little frightening.. It was never real until right this second. I need to get cracking!! With Thanksgiving coming it's going to be hard, I know. But I will have to make due. As long as I stick to my exercise goals and do not snack excessively, I should be OK.

So, that's the reality of it all. I don't have any excuses. I take full responsibility! No baby weight... No health problems.. Just me being an over eater, but I am very ready to change that. I have to change it if I want to be healthy enough to keep up with a baby, or even carry a baby inside of my womb. It's a sad reality.. but I can only move forward from here!

Getting to know Me.. Dreams

I have always known that I wanted to be a mother.

This became extremely clear to me when my mother gave birth to my baby brother when I was 15. There is quite a bit of difference in our ages, so I have been more of like a second mom to him than a sister. When it comes to taking care of him, everything comes so naturally to me and I never saw this in myself until him. He is 7 now, and this past summer was a true test. I no longer live close to him (about 9 hours away) so my DH and I had him up here for a couple of weeks this summer. Even though there were moments that I wanted to rip my hair out.. Even though there were times that DH could scream.. Having my baby brother in my life this summer was such an enlightening experience. Ever since I have had this need and urge for a child of my own.

We got married about a month and a half after we took my brother home, and after marriage the urge just got stronger. I know I am young (only 22) and still have so much life to live.. But I can't imagine not sharing it with my own child. I don't want to live longer than we have to without a child. When you are as young as me, they say that your fertility is at its highest. It will only dwindle as I get older, and do I really want to be a 50 y/o mother sitting at my sons graduation? I think not... Not that there is anything wrong with that!! I just.. want to be a young mother.

So DH and I had a long talk about this after the wedding. We've decided that we are going to start trying to conceive (TTC from here on out) next July!!!!! Isn't that wonderful?!? Well... I would like it to be a bit sooner, but I had to negotiate for July! He originally said 2009, and then our anniversary, and then I got it pushed up to July :) It's a little less than 8 months from now, so that will give us time to get our debt paid off and work on getting into a bigger place, and also work on some healthy eating and living habits!!

Only another 7 months 3 weeks and 4 days until my dreams of TTC will no longer be dreams..

Monday, November 5, 2007

Getting to know Me.. Hopes

Hello World!

I figured the best way to start off is to tell you all a little bit about myself.

My name is Heather and I am a newly married 22 year old fur mom. :) Fur mom sounds so silly... For those that are not familiar with the term, it just means that have fur kids. hehe.. Again, silly. I have two dogs. There.. That's better :) I prefer to be called a fur mom though, because they are just like my kids. I am a substitute teacher, but for the most part I enjoy staying at home with them. My husband (from here on out, he will be known as "DH", ie. darling husband) and I do not have our own children yet.. Something we hope to work on in the not too distant future. So for now I am simply a fur mom.

DH and I have known each other since February 2001. So, I guess you can say that he was my high school sweet heart, even though he didn't go to school with me. DH is about 6 years older. If you want to get technical it's more like 5 years and 10 months.. but who's counting? He hailed from Kennesaw, Georgia (a little town outside of Atlanta). And I was from a small city in Florida. When I turned 18, I moved here to be with him. I've always known that he was the right one for me. I went through a lot of hard times with my family when I was younger, and he stuck by me through it all. He's a very good man. Don't know where he gets it from.. lol! Nah.. his family isn't that bad, but... I guess I'll start a new post for that!! (If you are a wife.. I'm sure you know all about in laws from hell)

So, DH and I got engaged last Thanksgiving! (My favorite holiday... and no it's not because of the food! lol) We were engaged on the beach in the exact spot that we first shared a kiss. Awww... Story book romance ends here. :) lol. We had a pretty quick engagement to today's standards because we were married on September 29, 2007. It was more of an elopement that our families knew about. We each had one person with us, and it was a wonderfully small and sweet ceremony. I loved every moment of it!

I'm still in that "Ahhhh.. newly wedded bliss" stage and I truly hope that never ends. I think that time will tell how hard it is to grow a marriage and how much work it truly is. So far I have been very lucky. It hasn't seemed too much different than when we were not married.. But I know there will be obstacles that will come up that will make it harder. CHILDREN!! being one..

I just hope that I will be the best wife that I can be!