Thursday, May 22, 2008

Nearly 6 months gone..

Hello Blog World,

I haven't been the devoted blogger I thought I would be. My BFF was mentioning blogs in a conversation a few days ago and I thought, "Hm... I should blog!!" So, here I am! I've been really busy with school lately. I'm finishing up my second quarter of college in about a week and a half. I have been doing great, but I've been super busy! I took (hopefully successfully) 5 classes this quarter!! I'm doubling up and taking the most that I can so that I can graduate next spring. I have another 4 quarters to successfully complete, but I think I'm going to reach my goal! I know I can, I just need to get re-motivated! I've started to get a little burnt out, but I know that comes along with taking 5 classes!

As for the rest of my life... It's going! DH and I have been working on saving up and buying a house.That is slowly coming along... DH is starting college this summer. So, some of our savings is going to be drained for books and all that jazz. We haven't started working on having a baby yet, and I know we'll probably push off our TTC date to later down the road. Our original date was July 1st, but that seems so soon! With DH starting school, myself going full time, saving to buy a house and everything else life throws in the mix, I think we're a little overspent right now. I wouldn't be upset if it happened out of the blue, but I don't see us "trying" anytime soon. This will give us the time to get into this new schedule we have going and prepare our lives a little better for a baby. Our 1 year anniversary is in September, so I'm thinking that maybe we'll start trying then. DH will have been in school for one quarter and I will only have 3 left.

DH is completely on board for trying now, we would just have to rush moving into a new place before baby comes. I'm kind of on the fence, because I want to do what is right for all of us. Like 70% of me wants to just throw everything to the wind and start trying and see what happens.. the other 30% keeps telling me to wait. I really want to lose some weight before pregnancy, and let's just say.. that hasn't been on the top of my list until recently. I am definitely starting a diet Monday and we'll also be exercising on a daily basis. WE = DH and I. So, maybe when I've shed 30 lbs I'll be more ready for baby.

I want a baby more than I think anyone can understand. I'm just unsure if the timing is right. When will be the right time though? Who knows... I'm a woman. I have the right to change my mind on the next post! lol. Stay tuned for that....

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