Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ch-ch-ch-ch.. CHANGES!!

So, much has changed (again) since my last post. We've (hubby and I) have kind of done a complete 360-ish from where we were and where we were heading..

1. School - Going GREAT! We are in Fall Quarter (my 4th and hubby's 2nd) and things are going good. I've lightened my load a bit and I'm only taking 3 classes, but this is still considered full time.

2. House - We've been approved for a mortgage and found and awesome prefab home that we love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're working on finding the right piece of land (boy, this is taking a while!) and should be moved in before Turkey Day, if everything goes well.

3. Baby - Nothing yet and I can't say that we've been trying either. We're both kind of on hold with baby making. We both still definitely want a baby, but we're hoping that once we move into the new place we can get started in multiplying our family. This is on hold - momentarily!!

4. Weightloss - We're going to skip this category, for now, because I'm a slacker and haven't really done anything productive in this area. I will, however, be working on this before, through and after the holidays. Stay tuned!

5. Changes - Firstly, I have a job! I've been working nights delivering the paper. It's a weird job with weird hours, but it's allowed me to continue going to school full-time and help DH with some extra money toward the house. Secondly, I've restructured my goals in school. Instead of finishing my associates degree at the school I'm at, I've decided to transfer early to a local University and go straight into working towards my bachelor's degree. I'm excited about this and I'm waiting to hear back from the college about my admission status. Total, I'll have 2 1/2 years to my bachelors, so yay!! :)

Whoa.. I just got a mad dizzy spell though and that's weird for me.

I'm super tired tonight too, so I'm going to go to bed for now and hopefully update tomorrow. Goodnight all around the blog world!