Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The grass is always greener..

So today I've had a "touch" (more like loads!) of baby fever.

I've found myself lurking the TTC- Your First Child board and wishing that I was TTC my first already! I know, it's only another 6 months and 3 weeks and 6 days (haha), but it seems like forever away. I have been seeing pregnant women all over the place and I can't help but sigh and think, I wish that were me!!

I know that I have a giant list of things that I would like to get done before a baby, and I know there are sooooooo many things that I could be doing that I won't be ABLE to do when we have little ones at home, but I guess as they say, "The grass is always greener on the other side!" I'm sure that when I am pregnant I'm going to be ticked that I can't have a cocktail when we go out to dinner, or that when we have a couple of small ones I will sell my soul for a dinner date out away from the kids, but I really just wish I were there already.

Good things come to those who wait, I know. But today I have found the waiting to be a little tough. And by the way.. what's up with all my little sangs in this post? lol.. Greener grass and good things.. Wow! I make myself sick with how positive I try to be sometimes.

Maybe I just need to be a little sad about the waiting today.. Be sad Heather! :) Ok.. Not working.

Newlywed Fights

OK, I know.. That was mean!! But at the time I had just gotten into an argument with DH and I was sooooooooo angry. I was fuming!!! And I remember stomping off and coming over here and typing that little snippet and then storming into the bedroom and thinking "heh.. I'm gonna blog ALL about this tomorrow"

And now..

I can't remember what the silly little newlywed fight was about!!! lol..